why us

Tropical Forest

Tropical wood is highly sought after for their unmatched natural durability, large diversity and quality. Malaysian forest is an example of dipterocarp forest that forms a vast proportion of rainforest canopy across the region. In this tropic region, there is an abundant resource for excellent minerals with plenty of sunshine and adequate rainfall all year round, making Malaysia one of the top producers of tropical timber. These highly competitive tropical tree species indigenous to Malaysian forest have the ability to grow up to about 100 years to great height and wide diameter thanks to ideal geological factors. 

We at Welley Timber continue to ensure that our marine plywood come from sustainably managed forests that meets international standards. We understand the importance of delivering high quality products to meet the demands of our global customers while recognising our responsibility to help sustain tropical forest resources. We put much detailed attention into the procurement and construction process to offer products of excellent strength, quality and performance that can withstand the test of time.

Paired with our experience in the industry, we strongly believe that continued commitment to high standards has become a core element in our success. It also allows us to deliver not only the best quality products but also the highest level of customer satisfaction in the market. Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority.

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The sapwood is whitish yellow and is moderately distinct from the heartwood, which is light golden brown and darkens to a deep brown on exposure.



The sapwood is usually lighter in colour than the heartwood and not well defined from the heartwood.However, in Santiria griffithii and S. rubiginosa, the sapwood is well defined.

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The sapwood is not sharply differentiated from the heartwood, which is light brown, pink brown, red-brown or purple-brown with a grey tinge                                    

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The sapwood is light yellow to yellow-brown, sharply defined from the heartwood, which is brown or orange-brown and turns to dark brown on exposure.

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The sapwood is lighter in colour than the heartwood and is invariably with a tinge of grey. The heartwood is red-brown to purple-red and darkens on exposure.



 The sapwood ranges from a light straw-colour to light yellow-green and is not distinct in some species but moderately sharply defined from the heartwood in other species. 


As a responsible marine plywood manufacturer in malaysia, we are mindful of the growing environmental concerns which have led us to continually invest in the efforts to become an environmentally-friendly asset. Through an integrated approach towards sustainability and corporate responsibility, it helps us to do our part in contributing to a better environment. With the breakthrough of advanced high efficiency machineries, we are able to maximise the use of logs, resulting in minimum leftovers. At our factory, we generate renewable biomass energy by utilising boilers that are fuelled by barks, discarded veneers, sawdust and other mill residues. 

Welley Timber is committed to only procure timbers that have been properly and legally harvested from sustainable sources. We promote sustainable forest management by our initiative to support forest replanting.

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